GRA values the associations that have developed since 2007.
As the peak body for our industry in Australasia we have a committment to establish strong, supportive relationships which will assist industry expansion. GRA is a bond between established associations; a bond which is based on the disemmination of information; research promotion; education & establishing international networks.
GRA provides a public forum for manufacturers & suppliers to exhibit green roof & green wall technology. To date GRA and sponsors have been largely responsible for the growth of this industry in Australia and NZ, however so much more can be acheived through collaborations and affiliations.
International Associations: GRA had a board member on the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) since 2008.until 2024. GRA remains informed on recent industry developments overseas which are shared to our members. Other affiliations include the National Green Roof Association of China ; International Green Roof Association (IGRA) ; Skyrise Singapore ; Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) USA; Green Infrastructure Associations in Brazil ; Chile ; Mexico ; Canada ; India ; Vietnam ; Taiwan ; Japan ; United Kingdom ; Denmark ; Germany ; France ; Spain and Greece.
National Associations: Since 2007, GRA has held a National Conference, attracting international & national keynote speakers which has established relationships within many States. In 2007 - 08 conferences were held in Brisbane which attracted BCC & University of Qld support. Since then we have established strong supportive relationships with the City of Sydney, Melbourne City Council & Adelaide City Council ; the University of NSW, Sydney University, Sydney Instsitute of Technology, Royal Botanical Garden Trust, Burnleigh University, University of Melbourne, Universities of Adelaide & South Australia, Royal Australian Institute of Architects (NSW , Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide Chapters) ; Australian Institute of Landscape Architects ; National Gardens Industry of Aust ; National Landscape Assoc ; Engineers Australia ; Horticulture Australia ; CSIRO ; and many State & Local Government Departments (ie Environment, Climate Change & Water, Planning )
In the future GRA has set goals to extend our association into Asia, in order to provide support, cohesion and a portal for exchanges of technology information, best policy & practice and to celebrate projects across the entire Australasian Region.

We would also like to acknowledge the support of the Environmental Defenders Office, EDO.
Please contact our administration to associate with GRA and let's promote a greener planet together.