
The Library has been compiled as a resource centre which will expand over time. As our focus is primarily on green roofs and secondly on green walls, the majority of content is as you would expect, however we do also acknowledgr the significance of connecting these systems to deep soil landscaping with the intention of creating green corridors & hubs through & within urban development. So as we expand our library over time we will also include more information on all forms of living architecture aka green infrastructure.
At present we have provided a collection of images which will also increase as our projects are uploaded by our members.

Similarly, our Reseach data will build as it comes so until Australia catches up, you'll find that it is mainly european and american. Likewise with publications and links. This is because Australia & NZ are only recent enthusiasts for green infrastructure on buildings and Europe has forty years & USA / Canada have fifteen years start on us.

As a facilitator for information we will be pleased to accept any relevant publications, images, articles or worthy information that you send us.