Green Roofs Australasia


Diamond Sponsors

Andreasens Green Wholesale Nurseries have been a major supplier of plant material to the landscape industry since its establishment in 1981. Based in Sydney's west, Andreasens has grown to become one of Australia's leading wholesale nurseries with over 150 acres under production across our nursery sites in NSW and QLD.

Gold Sponsors


GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AUSTRALASIA (GIA) advocates for the incorporation of green infrastructure on all Australasian developments and projects that impact, reduce or remove the natural footprint; that impact native flora & fauna habitat and interfere with the micro & macro ecosystems due to development.

Brisbane Vision

Brisbane Vision 2031 is Brisbane City Council's long-term community plan for the city. It details the aspirations for our city's future and outlines ideas for achieving this vision.

Our vision is to reclaim the built environment, by clothing the facades of buildings with epiphytic and lithophytic planting to create a living, breathing architectural function to every building.

Silver Sponsors

Contact 1300 182 341
Website fytogreen.com.au

Our diverse portfolio provides DCTech with the ability to consider the building envelope holistically and hence develop a ‘total system solutions‘ for a wide range of building applications.

SIKA          <Building Trust>