Green Roofs Australasia

Promotional News

GRA congratulates Fytogreen on 21 years

Fytogreen celebrates 21 years leading the way
 in elevated green landscapes


Fytogreen, Australia’s leading green infrastructure specialists, has plenty to celebrate. With a history of innovation and excellence, Fytogreen is proud to have played a significant role in shaping the industry. And with award-winning projects, influential products, and industry firsts under its belt, today marks 21 years of taking resilient living architecture to new heights.


In 2002, horticultural innovator Geoff Heard founded the company on a quest to bridge the gap between nature and cities. His mission was to transform even the most challenging environments into vibrant oases of green.

 In 2002 Geoff introduced HYDROCELL, a biodegradable light-weight soil improver that revolutionised the horticultural industry by offering new, exciting opportunities to build sustainable gardens at any height and scale. In 2007, through more ground-breaking product developments, Fytogreen’s first vertical garden product was born. FYTOWALL, a soil-less green wall panel system, set the precedent for other greening companies to follow.

 In 2009, botanist and biophilic garden designer Erik van Zuilekom brought his encyclopaedic knowledge to the team. He ensures that Fytogreen’s living architecture applications not only provide aesthetic delight, but are highly adaptive and resilient bringing health and environmental benefits to all.

 Over the past 21 years, Fytogreen has continued to grow its capabilities to meet the changing demands of the industry. With over 1,000 successful sustainable gardens integrated into architecture, Fytogreen has achieved many notable milestones, including the largest roof garden in the southern hemisphere and Australia’s tallest indoor green wall.



Then and Now

  • Federation Square (Install #1 - 2002) planter box media and still thriving today!
  • Hickory Developments (Install #20, Feb 2009) indoor green wall
  • ANZ Docklands (Install #32, Aug 2009) 162m2 outdoor north facing green wall
  • Elm Apartments (Install #50, Sept 2010) 2 x internal lobby green walls
  • Triptych Apartments (Install #51, Sept 2010) –206m2 external green wall 

    Today, Fytogreen employs over 50 highly skilled professionals all with a passion for horticulture, engineering excellence and sustainable design. We continue to grow our award-winning combination of expertise, customisation and technical know-how to provide dynamic, resilient living architecture solutions that reconnect urban living with the restorative natural world.

    As Geoff Heard, MD of Fytogreen, says,

    “ We take great pride in having made a major impact on the greening industry over the past 21 years, and we’ll continue to push the boundaries in an industry where nature and technology meet. ”







Recent Projects


Green Infrastructure for the Built Environment:-

City of Brisbane

Images: Brisbane proposal for 'urban forest building'

The vision is aligned with BCC Policy (Buildings That Breathe) and the 'Brisbane Vision Blueprint' so it's no wonder developers are proposing DA submissions like this. An inner-city suburb on the Brisbane River could be home to the “greenest residential building in the world” with ambitious plans currently under review by the city’s council. Development plans lodged last week by the Aria Property Group propose a 30-storey “vertical forest” and “a beacon for sustainability in South Brisbane”....... Read More

City of Melbourne

Images: Foster and Partners / Fender Katsalidis residential proposal for Maribyrnong River frontage.

The City of Melbourne will consider a proposal to create a mixed-use precinct on a large swathe of land on the edge of the Maribyrnong River. Designed by Foster and Partners and Fender Katsalidis, the development proposes to create “new opportunities to connect and engage with the Maribyrnong River.” The site occupies five parcels of land totally approximately 2.8 hectares at 156-232 Kensington Road in West Melbourne.......... Read more

Image: aka 'Green Spine' on the Yarra River Melbourne 

A vegetated tower that is set to become Australia’s tallest building has been given the go-ahead by the government of Victoria. Located on Melbourne’s Yarra River, Green Spine, designed by Dutch architect UNStudio and Australia's Cox Architecture, will be part of the US$1.3bn Southbank, which is being developed by local property company Beulah International.......... Read More

Image: Atlassian 'Hybrid Green Tower', CBD Sydney

Unfortunately, the perfect Green project only starts when there are rare clients like Atlassian & designers like SHoP Architects from NYC and BVN from Sydney. Similarly, Stanley Quek from Frasers having the vision for 'One Central Park' on Broadway. These iconic projects occur because they are commercially driven based on sound CSR principles and not because of sustainable, innovative government planning policies that incentivise and encourage .......... Read More 

International Projects

Paris, France

Images: Worlds Largest Urban Farm, Paris

The largest urban rooftop farm in the world uses vertical growing techniques to create fruits and vegetables right in the center of Paris without the use of pesticides, refrigerated trucks, chemical fertilizer, or even soil ..... Read More

The World vs The Pandemic

Image: Nature vs Covid

Nature is all around us. The sky, trees, air, wind, wildlife, and water are all parts of the great outdoors we CAN CHOOSE to experience every day. However, due to covid-19 social restrictions over the past 6 months, a majority are spending long periods indoors, surrounded by concrete and glass away from the natural elements that connect us all....... Read More

London UK

Image: London Trial - 'Smart Pillar'
A number of lampposts in Belgravia have recently been fitted with plant columns running up their length. It’s a trial to see if the green columns can help reduce pollution along the streets......... Read More


Image: Europe's Big Green Wall
An office complex has been completed in the centre of Düsseldorf that includes some 30,000 plants in its cladding. The 41,400 sq m Kö-Bogen II project, designed by local firm Ingenhoven Architects, has the appearance of a green hill in Gründgens Square, between the iconic Dreischeibenhaus and the Düsseldorf Theatre. Two of the building’s walls and its roof are clad with steel pots, planted with grass and a type of evergreen shrub known as hornbeam.

ACROS 1995, Fukouka Japan

Image: ACROS Building, Fukouka, Japan

A Celebration 25 Years On for  architect, Emilio Embasz

Emilio’s innovative research and vision began over forty years ago and his design philosophy is “the Green Over the Grey.”
Along the edge of the park, the building steps up, floor-by-floor, in a stratification of low, landscaped terraces which climb the full height of the building. Each terrace floor contains an array of gardens for meditation, relaxation, and escape from the congestion of the city. Culminating at the top terrace, the grand belvedere provides an incomparable view of the Bay of Fukuoka and the surrounding mountains....... Read More

Industry News

Floating Gardens / Floating Wetlands

Fytogreens floating gardens ( sometimes called floating wetlands) are designed to vegetate ponds, waterways, dams, quarries and waterbodies requiring either an aesthetic treatment, habitat production or water processing/rehabilitation to reduce pollutants.

The floating gardens / floating wetlands module is an effective and sustainable technology to improve water conditions.  Floating wetlands water treatment requires plants to be vegetated on a floating mat while their roots are extended down to the contaminated water acting as biological filters.

The Fytogreen system is hydroponic, thereby plants receive all nutrition directly from the water column. This ensures plants direct all their potential to absorb nutrients, including pollutants and heavy metals, directly from the water they are growing in, rather than organics held within their rooting substrate. This is a highly efficient means of utilising vegetation to condition a site, aiding in rehabilitation and remediation towards healthier conditions and habitats......... Read More

Smart Tech for Green Roofs

Not only can you monitor the climatic conditions and moisture content of a green roof but also monitor the maintenance regime required to avoid building damage.

International Leak Detectors Aus (ILD) are now installing          

  • PROGEO Smartex®  If there's a breach in waterproofing you’ll receive an immediate report via your PC, tablet or smartphone, including an accurate location for repair.
  • ProtectSys® Now available to ILD Australia is remote, real time roof cavity monitoring. The system incorporates battery powered sensor boxes which transmit test results to solar powered central hub.

Read More about ILD service.

Green Walls & Rooftop Gardens Project by SkillSet

Roof gardens, vertical gardens and green facades offer a range of benefits to urban populations, helping to cool city environments, manage storm water and improve air quality. Australian city councils have acknowledged the advantages of this infrastructure in places where there is not space for traditional parks, supporting the construction of roof gardens, vertical gardens and green facades in their planning and policies. At the same time, the technology for construction is becoming easier to access, bolstering the popularity of green infrastructure and opening up job opportunities. While these roles are suited to people with existing skills and knowledge in horticulture and landscaping, specialist skills and knowledge are required to construct and maintain green infrastructure....... Read More

More Information on Green Infrastructure Policy / Projects & News

GRA are a founding member of the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) which is comprised of 22 national associations.
Read more on the WGIN website for a comprehensive green global update.

Thanking GRA Sponsors

GRA is a not-for-profit association and we could not have survived from 2008 untill now without the support of our Industry Sponsors and members.

Please contact us if your company can provide support or if you wish to become a member.










PROJECT: Biophilic Design by FYTOGREEN AUS

LOCATION: 21 Harris Street, Sydney / Atrium Levels 1 - 7

Contact: Geoff Heard
Phone: 1300 182 341


Fytogreen’s FytoArbour System is Fast becoming a Stunning Success

Not all vertical garden systems are created equal. The longevity and sustainability of a vertical garden corresponds to the quality and design of the system, particularly its suitability for the intended purpose and installation context.

Fytogreen offer the widest range of bespoke greening solutions on the market, offering multi-dimensional systems that increase the diversity, quantity and density of biophilic design and the industry know-how to create brand new solutions if required.

One of Fytogreens latest products in vertical greening is the FytoArbour, an ultra-lightweight, self-contained hydroponicgarden that can be suspended or mounted above the ground and we have had an amazing positive feedback from the recently installed projects.

IMAGES ABOVE: 21 Harris Street, Sydney. FytoArbour Images at installation, Atrium Levels 1-7.

The planting pallet has carefully been selected to create a cascading feature that will be simply stunning in 6 – 12 months.

FOR MORE PROJECTS LIKE the Victorian Desalination Plant Green Roof visit our GRA website.

Image: Victorian Desalination Plant Green Roof (Installation, Maintenance & Supply by Fytogreen Aus)



Dear GRA Members and Colleagues,

GRA is hosting the WORLD GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE CONGRESS (WGIC2014) in Sydney this October.

This has been a massive effort to organise so now we need your support by joining us on the Registration list.

The Speakers are World Leaders / The Training Workshops are a Once Only Offer for AUS.

The MEMBER OFFER is COST PRICE for Registration. That's $280,00 Full Rego!!!

The GRA Board works pro bono as advocates to promote green roofs and living walls in Australasia and our Industry is presently expanding rapidly. This Congress is our chance to celebrate the progress so let's do it together. Register and join us.

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and many other associations have encouraged their members to attend the WGIC2014. They have responded.

I am now asking the same from GRA Members.

We are giving all our GRA members the opportunity to attend this Congress at cost price. Most of you have been staunch members since 2007 and we acknowledge your loyalty by passing on this membership benefit.

The Registration Fees / The Training Workshops / The Green Site Tour / The Social Events - GRA Members receive everything at Cost Price.


The Speaker Selection is World Class with global leaders in their field travelling to Sydney from abroad and inter-state. This will be our best event ever and we want you there to share it.
Patrick Blanc - Paris, speaking on 'One Central Park' in Sydney; Manfred Koehler - FLL, Germany; Dorthe Romo - Scandanavia; Michael Teh - largest green walls in Singapore ; Raphael Garcia - San Francisco who project managed the Academy of Sciences & Transbay Transit Hub and Sacha Coles, Lance Jeffery, Warwick Savvas, Graeme Hopkins, Mark Paul and others from Australasia and abroad.

Case Study Projects covered will be Barangaroo Headland, One Central Park, Victorian Desalination Plant, Major Singapore Projects and many from Europe, USA, Sth America and Asia.

New Research from Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asia.

The Workshop Training is LEED accredited from the USA and the benchmark for Green Roof Professionals. This is being presented by Jeffrey Bruce a world renown landscape architect who has worked on the biggest projects in North America such as Millennium Park in Chicago. The course was developed for the Green Roof Industry by 'Green Roofs for Healthy Cities' in 2006 and has evolved into the Industry standard for Professional Training.
This has never been offered outside the USA - until now at the WGIC2014 in Sydney.

The website has all the information on the Congress so check it out

WGIC 2014 Flier

All GRA Members will get a 50% Discount for the WGIC2014, just follow the link to:



Warm Regards,
Matthew Dillon
GRA President

Saturday, 09:00 - 16:00, 11 October

This USA LEED Accredited Training Course has never been available outside the USA … until now. This is a one off opportunity to receive Professional Development from USA Landscape Architect Jeffery Bruce who is a world leader in this discipline.

Workshop 1 Presenter: Jeffery Bruce, Landscape Architect, USA

Jeffrey Bruce is a landscape architect who is at the forefront of green infrastructure development in the USA with global acclaim for his skill-set on large scale Capital City projects such as ‘Millenium Park’ in Chicago collaborating with Frank Gehry and Kathryn Gustafson.

Jeffrey L. Bruce, FASLA, is Owner of Jeffrey L. Bruce & Company (JBC) a national landscape architectural firm. Founded in 1986, JBC provides highly specialized technical support to many of the nation’s leading Architectural and Landscape Architectural firms on a wide variety of project profiles including engineered soils, green roof technologies, urban agronomy, performance sports turf, and irrigation engineering.

Mr. Bruce’s accomplishments, commitment and vision are well documented. He has received over 60 separate design and leadership awards. Award winning projects by Jeffrey L. Bruce & Company, have been published 85 times.

WGIC2014 Full Congress Registration $280.00

Register & Receive 50% Discount on Training Workshops !


Course Manuals will be provided at registration and a Certificate will be issued upon completion for CPD point accreditation.


Conference DISCOUNT - last 9 days

CANOPY members can register as GRA affiliated members.

DISCOUNT available to Canopy members BUY NOW

Full Conference 29 - 30 Nov     (save $400)        $200

Single Day Only 29th Nov         (Save $250)        $100

Single Day Only  30th Nov        (Save $250)        $100


For all conference payments go to:-

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OFFER 1 : 50% discount on Conference Registration (as quoted below)  

OFFER 2 :  Keynote Presentation + Lunch 29th or 30th November

AILA Members will be able to apply for CPD points



Full Registation Nov 29 - 30 , Cost $300

Single Day Registration Nov 29 or Nov 30, Cost $175


Green Roof Project Case Studies  -­  China,  Canada,  USA,  Aust,  NZ       

International Research Syposium  Latest Data & Specification Info     

Latest  Technology    Exhibition  Trade  Show

International Keynote Speakers

Lawrence  Reed, Landscape Architect, SWA group, USA
Speaking  on  his  recent  major  projects  in  the  USA,  including  the  Platinum LEED awarded California. Academy  of  Sciences with Renzo Piano

John.  S.  Loomis, Landscape Architect, SWA group, USA.
Speaking  on  recent  major  Green  Roof  Projects  in  China including the magnificent
Giant complex in Shanghai.

Ed  Snodgrass, USA.
Acclaimed author and leading authority on green roof design, specification and maintenance.

Prof Jeremy  Lundholm,  Canada.

Plant  ecologist  authority  on  green  roofs,   restoration  ecology,  and  urban  ecosystems.  

20  Leading  Authorities &  Professionals:

 Architects,  Landscape  Architects,  Urban  Planners,  Researchers, Academics

National Presentations include 

* Victorian Desalination Plant Green Roof by Aspect Studio

* Origin Interior Green Wall (22 stories) by The Greenwall Company

* No 1 Bligh St Sydney Green Wall by Fytogreen

* Burnley Adaption Centre Green Roof by Hassell


for more info on speakers & agenda go to



Thursday 29th Nov 12.00 - 1.00pm - Presentation

1.00 - 1.30pm - Complimentary Lunch

COST $120


Dual Presentation by SWA group Lanscape Architects, 
Lawrence Reed & John.S.Loomis

Lawrence & John will present on major USA & China Green Roof  Projects including the Renzo Piano designed California Academy of Sciences / Library of Congress Packard Campus / 'Giant' Technology Building, Shanghai


Friday 30th Nov 11.20 - 12.20pm - Presentation

12.20 - 1.00pm - Complimentary Lunch

COST $120


International Keynote Speakers Q & A Forum

Lawrence Reed,  John.S.Loomis, Ed Snodgrass & Prof Jeremy Lundholm

This open forum discussion will be at the highest International level,
which will provide an interactive, stimulating & informative discussion about
Green Roof Design / Installation / Specification / Maintenance / Planting


Hosted by










Invites You To

our 6th National Annual Conference.

Participation at this Conference will inform you on everything there is to know about greenroof & greenwall systems.GRA has compiled a comprehensive agenda which will present the total picture on this rapidly expanding industry.We have provided GRA Members with significant new Conference benefits and Conference discounts, so if your current Membership has expired, see below for our new reduced prices.

Nov 28  Training Workshop

Nov  28  Opening  Ceremony  evening.

Nov  29-­30  Conference  -­  International  &  National  Speakers.

Dec  01  Melbourne  Green  Sites  Tour

register now

GR Project Case Studies  -­  China,  Canada,  USA,  Aust,  NZ       

GR Training Workshop  Accredited  LIMITED PLACES DONT MISS OUT

International Research Syposium  Latest Data & Specification Info     

Latest  Technology    Exhibition  Trade  Show

Green Sites Tour  Melbourne CBD,  LIMITED PLACES DONT MISS OUT

Social Events  Reception  Dinner, Garden Soiree

International Keynote speakers

Lawrence  Reed,  USA.
                               Speaking  on  his  recent  major  projects  in  the  USA,  including  the  Platinum LEED awarded Calif. Academy  of  Sciences.
John.  S.  Loomis,  USA.  
Speaking  on  recent  major  Green  Roof  Projects  in  China including the magnificent Giant complex in Shanghai.
Ed  Snodgrass,  USA.
Acclaimed author and leading authority on green roof design, specification and maintenance.
Prof Jeremy  Lundholm,  Canada.
Plant  ecologist  authority  on  green  roofs,   restoration  ecology,  and  urban  ecosystems.  

20  Leading  Authorities &  Professionals:  
Architects,  Landscape  Architects,  Urban  Planners,  Researchers, Academics

*  *  *

Proudly supported by


 Offical Conference Website info & registrations

Giant, shanghai (above)
Library of Congress Packard Campus USA

Green Roofs Australasia, GRA, have launched  TWO NEW WEBSITES which are linked.
The GRA Members website
The GRA Official Conference website

SAVE on paying for our National Conference tickets by becoming a GRA Member.

NEW REDUCED FEE structure for GRA annual  MEMBERSHIP :-

  • $30 for full time students.
  • $50 for individuals.
  • $70 for sole traders.
  • $200 for companies <10 staff
  • $400 for companies  10-20 staff
  • $800 for NGO's (Universities, Institutions, Corporations, Local Councils)
  • $1500 for Capital City Councils, State Governments





Training Workshop Rate (GRA members) - $380
Student Workshop Rate (GRA members) - $200

 Places are limited dont miss out !

 The GR/101 certificate will provide :

  • 4 accredited points from the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)
  • 4 accredited CPD  points from the Australian Institute of Architects  (AIA)

1.0 Introduction. 2.0 History. 3.0 Categories. 4.0 Benefits. 5.0 Costs & Other Barriers
6.0 Systems & Process.7.0 Design & Implementation. 8.0 Components & Process.
9.0 Budget. 10.0 Professional Opportunities. 11.0 References.

for more info go to

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proudly sponsored by



register now

  • Green Roof Training Workshop (credit) Nov 28
  • Plenary November 29-30
  • Melbourne Green Sites Tour  Dec 01
  • Latest Research Data
  • International Keynote/National Speakers
 Offical Conference Website: info / register / payments



       Calif Academy of Sciences - Lawrence Reed           Giant, Shanghai - John.S.Loomis (Keynote speakers)

Learn about this exciting new 'Living Architecture'



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