City of Melbourne

The Inner Melbourne Action Plan (IMAP) is a collaborative partnership between the Cities of Melbourne, Port Phillip, Stonnington and Yarra. These inner Melbourne Councils work together to strengthen the liveability, attraction and prosperity of the region by implementing a series of strategies and actions.
One of the IMAP strategies is to “substantially improve the environmental performance of the Inner Melbourne Region.” An action under this is “Green Demonstration Projects,” which includes the Growing Green Guide for Melbourne project.
The Growing Green Guide for Melbourne project began in 2012 and will run until the end of 2013. It will create a Victorian guide for the construction of green roofs, walls and facades. It will also develop recommendations for how to integrate rooftop and vertical greening into regulatory schemes, and identify prime sites for future development of green roofs, walls and facades in inner Melbourne.
The project is a partnership between the inner Melbourne councils, Cities of Melbourne, Stonnington, Yarra and Port Phillip, along with the University of Melbourne. It includes funding from the Victorian Government’s Sustainability Fund under the Victorian Local Sustainability Accord.