WHATS NEWGreen Roofs Australasia, GRA, have launched a NEW WEBSITE. A change at the helm invariably brings a change of direction and GRA's new president, Matt Dillon, is committed to maintaining the status and the responsibility that comes with being the peak body in Australasia. To acheive this, the new GRA directive is for greater interaction amongst all sectors within the Design and Construct Industry with new affiliations to other associations and our Asian neighbours. The first half of 2012 has been a busy period, negotiating financial support to host the World Green Infrastructure Congress in 2014, starting preparations for the Melbourne National Conference on Nov 29 and building a new website. The goal of the new website is to provide a one stop connection to the global green roof community. Our hope is that we can create a portal for this niche community to become involved in our news feed, social media networks, project uploads, business directory and blogs. GRA wants to hear what our members have to say, are thinking, discovering, creating .... through an interaction on the website and at our conferences. The NEW GRA website has incorporated a:-
NEW FEE structure for GRA annual membership is:-
NEW LOGO RECENT PROJECTSGoulburn Street Car Park, Sydney. A new trial project by CoS will deetermine the most suitable green wall system for a new restoration project which will transform the city 'eyesore' into green. INDUSTRY NEWS
The conference will also include a free Trade Exhition of the latest technology, Social Events, a Green Sites Tour of the CBD and a Reseach Seminar at the new Green Infrastructure Adaption Centre, UoM. ALL INFORMATION & REGISTRATION BOOKINGS ARE ACCESSIBLE AT THE OFFICIAL CONFERENCE WEBSITE :- MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE A DISCOUNT ON REGISTRATION PRICES.
CITY OF SYDNEY GREEN ROOF & WALL STRATEGY released. This report outlines a strategy to determine the benefits green roofs and walls offer the City of Sydney. In particular, it proposes a number of research projects to detail these benefits and to inform the development of the City of Sydney’s Green Roofs and Walls Policy. The Green Roofs and Walls Strategy outlines the steps needed to follow a similar policy development process to the one taken by the City of Toronto. The knowledge obtained through this process will inform the strategic direction of the intended Green Roofs and Walls Policy. Positive environmental outcomes for the City of Sydney are very much influenced by local factors, such as climate, extent and the mix of urban form in the built environment, as well as the presence of natural features, such as waterways and urban flora and fauna. The communal outcomes are influenced by the feasibility of gaining access to the rooftops and suitability of green walls to the different building types in the City. The dollar value of return from environmental benefits is influenced by the cost savings possible from the provision of stormwater infrastructure and energy efficiency services. Other economic activities through local business on a green roof and in vicinity of green walls are influenced by a legislative framework to promote such uses. Green roofs and walls in Sydney have the potential to provide a number of sustainability benefits and make a positive contribution to Federal and State initiatives and our own Sustainable Sydney 2030 targets and objectives. This strategy includes:
UPCOMING EVENTSOct 22 - 26 World Green Infrastructure Congress, Hangzhou China Nov 29 - Dec 01 GRA National Green Roof Conference, MELBOURNE |
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