Registration Now Open


Invites You To

our 6th National Annual conference.

Participation at this Conference will inform you on everything there is to know about greenroof & greenwall systems. GRA has compiled a comprehensive agenda which will present the total picture on this rapidly expanding industry.
We have provided GRA Members with significant new Conference benefits and Conference discounts, so if your current Membership has expired, see below for our new reduced prices.

Nov 28  Training Workshop

Nov  28  Opening  Ceremony  evening.

Nov  29-­30  Conference  -­  International  &  National  Speakers.

Dec  01  Melbourne  Green  Sites  Tour

register now

GR Project Case Studies  -­  China,  Canada,  USA,  Aust,  NZ       

GR Training Workshop  Accredited       

International Research Syposium  Latest Data & Specification Info     

Latest  Technology    Exhibition  Trade  Show

Green Sites Tour  Melbourne CBD

Social Events  Reception  Dinner, Garden Soiree

International Keynote speakers

Lawrence  Reed,  USA.
                               Speaking  on  his  recent  major  projects  in  the  USA,  including  the  Platinum LEED awarded Calif. Academy  of  Sciences.
John.  S.  Loomis,  USA.  
Speaking  on  recent  major  Green  Roof  Projects  in  China including the magnificent Giant complex in Shanghai.
Ed  Snodgrass,  USA.
Acclaimed author and leading authority on green roof design, specification and maintenance.
Prof Jeremy  Lundholm,  Canada.
Plant  ecologist  authority  on  green  roofs,   restoration  ecology,  and  urban  ecosystems.  

20  Leading  Authorities &  Professionals:  
Architects,  Landscape  Architects,  Urban  Planners,  Researchers, Academics

*  *  *

Proudly supported by


 Offical Conference Website: info / register / payments

  Academy of Sciences, California                                              Giant, Shanghai, China                                           Library of Congress Packard Campus


Green Roofs Australasia, GRA, have launched  TWO NEW WEBSITES which are linked.
The GRA Members website
The GRA Official Conference website

A change at the helm invariably brings a change of direction and GRA's new president, Matt Dillon, is committed to maintaining the status  and the responsibility that comes with being the peak body in Australasia. To acheive this, the new GRA directive is for greater interaction amongst all sectors within the Design and Construct Industry with new affiliations to other associations and our Asian neighbours. The first half of 2012 has been a busy period, negotiating financial support to host the World Green Infrastructure Congress in 2014, starting preparations for the Melbourne National Conference on Nov 28 and building a new website.
THANK YOU for your patience.
The goal of the new website is to provide a one stop connection to the global green roof community. Our aim is to create a portal for members of our community to become involved in the news feed, social media networks, project uploads, business directory and blogs. GRA wants to hear what our members have to say, are thinking, discovering, creating .... through an interaction on the website and at our conferences.

The NEW GRA website has incorporated a:-

  • new Business Directory - to promote your services, trades, professions
  • new Project Upload function - to promote  your projects
  • new Blog function - to share your news
  • Newsletter - to share our industry news
  • Image Gallery - to build a comprehensive data base
  • online payment for conferences & membership - to provide cheaper fees 
  • new Library Resource Centre - to educate
  • new responsive styling for use on any screen & a new logo
  • new Social Network presence - to stay connected

SAVE on paying for our National Conference tickets by becoming a GRA Member.

NEW REDUCED FEE structure for GRA annual  MEMBERSHIP :-

  • $30 for full time students.
  • $50 for individuals.
  • $70 for sole traders.
  • $200 for companies <10 staff
  • $400 for companies  10-20 staff
  • $800 for NGO's (Universities, Institutions, Corporations, Local Councils)
  • $1500 for Capital City Councils, State Governments