Buenos Aires Jumps on Green Roof Trend

Posted on Fri, 2013-01-25 22:57 by Rosie M.

Exciting news from Latin America!

"The City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took a big step last month by approving the Green Roofs Law. The law will grant building owners a reduction in service-related costs such as lighting, sweeping and cleaning to help offset the cost of integrating green roofing in the building design. That means that those who install and maintain green roofs on their buildings will be able to help reduce greenhouse gases in the busy city without paying wholly out of their own pockets.
The importance of encouraging sustainable development in Latin America should not be underestimated. Australia and Argentina are already linked by the drought cycles of the el nino/la nina phenomenon, and with climate change a growing concern, what happens on one side of the world will eventually be felt on the other."

Read more at: http://designbuildsource.com.au/buenos-aires-jumps-on-green-roof-trend