Government Future-proofing

Posted on Wed, 2019-04-03 17:41 by matt

I've spoken at three congresses in China and have gained some insight into their strategy. In the West our governments generally plan for the next election however in China they plan for the 5000 years. For example William McDonough was engaged by the Chinese Gov't for his expertise and extraordinary vision for sustainable city development. The image shows medium density housing at the same level with the landscape replaced on the roof as rice paddies. The principle is simple & is not new. Agriculture was traditionally grown in close proximity  to our settlements however the metropolis paradigm altered that efficient plan. William has also incorporated solar PV on the perimeter of the roof. The rice paddies reduce the ambient temperature above & on the roof which cools the precinct below and this also means that the PV will be more efficient.

Image: Architect Stefano Boeri.
In Australia we deserve better 'future-proofing' sustainable strategies from our three government tiers. There is no mention of reducing building GHG emissions with support from innovative policy; rebates; incentives; dollar matching. Government support will invigorate a new paradigm for green infrastructure urban planning; create new skilled jobs; benefit our environment, the economy and urban dwellers disconnected from nature.

The built environment contributes a whopping 40% of global GHG emissions. Living Architecture design & green infrastructure planning for our cities is ONE solution towards reducing that 40%

Image:  Forest City Liuzhou, China. Architect: Stefano Boeri Architetti