Infrastructure Australia calls for more green infrastructure

Posted on Thu, 2018-04-05 10:07 by APowell
The Infrastructure Australia report made some key recommendations for green infrastructure. Image: EPA

Infrastructure Australia has released a new report which models future growth scenarios for Melbourne and Sydney, looking at the impact of these scenarios on the cities’ transport network, job accessibility and access to and demand for social infrastructure and green space.

The report made some key recommendations for green infrastructure, place-based planning and more inclusive community engagement, which were commended by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).

“AILA has been advocating to government for the need to consider the demand for quality green infrastructure and all of the health, economic and social benefits it brings to our communities,” says AILA’s chair, Linda Corkery.

The report has also recommended the Australian government maintain and enhance this green infrastructure through a combination of taxation, planning incentives and policy and regulatory reforms.

“We’re encouraged by the emphasis Infrastructure Australia has taken to provide practical solutions to encourage more quality green space,” says Corkery.

“AILA supports the call for the Australian government to develop regulatory frameworks that enable investment in green infrastructure for the benefit of the community.”

AILA New South Wales and Victoria state chapter presidents echoed support of the report given the various scenarios provided for Sydney and Melbourne that need to inform decision-making and partnerships between all levels of Government.

Victorian state chapter president, Adrian Gray, believes that Melbourne needs to limit expansion and focus on increasing density.

“We support Infrastructure Australia’s view that the capacity of social infrastructure must increase. Landscape architects will play a pivotal role in this with regards to social spaces and green infrastructure being important functional components of the city that ensure livability and resilience into this climate change century,” says Gray.

NSW chapter president, Mark Tyrrell, believes the report is a step in the right direction to ensure that green infrastructure becomes inherent with the future planning of cities.

“Green Infrastructure must be recognised as an asset class by all levels of government. The report is timely with the recent release of the NSW Government’s Greener Places policy. AILA’s message to government remains the same as we continue to work towards securing a network of high quality, high performing and well-designed green space that supports the projected population growth of NSW cities and regions,” he says.