The Green Infrastructure Project hosted by the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide

Posted on Mon, 2013-04-08 21:54 by Rosie M.

Botanical Gardens of Adelaide have recently completed a significant document - the Green Infrastructure Evidence Base - a review of research and literature from around the world on the values and benefits of Green Infrastructure.

Their definition of Green Infrastructure is perhaps more expansive than some others:

Green Infrastructure is the network of green spaces and water systems that delivers multiple environmental, social and economic values and services to urban communities. This network includes parks and reserves, backyards and gardens, waterways and wetlands, streets and transport corridors, pathways and greenways, farms and orchards, squares and plazas, roof gardens and living walls, sports fields and cemeteries.

The Green Infrastructure Project at the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide is working together with government, industry and community towards the achievement of our vision: South Australians living in healthy, resilient and beautiful landscapes that sustain and connect people with plants and places.

For more information, please visit: