The University of Canterbury (UC) has discovered green-planted roofs do not need to be irrigated in winter or summer to thrive.
GRA will host the World Congress in Sydney 07 - 10 October 2014
GRA Members 20% REGISTRATION Discount for this SKYRISE Conference, Singapore 07 - 09 November 2013
Here’s a look at five things these eco-friendly buildings are doing to reduce their carbon footprint.
Dave MacKenzie, horticulturist and product developer, created a 1400 square foot living work of art using plants as the paint and the LiveWall system as his canvas.
The new Green Infrastructure Research Group (The University of Melbourne) website is now on!
Sydney has recently become home to the biggest green wall installation in Australia amid a wider campaign to green the cityscape.
Australian cities are officially getting hotter - more evidence to encourage the adoption of green infrastructure