Green Roofs Australasia


Buenos Aires Jumps on Green Roof Trend

Posted on Fri, 2013-01-25 22:57 by Rosie M.
To restore the balance in urban ecosystems, urban planners and designers have started to look for different ways to generate green spaces in an increasingly grey world. Green spaces benefit cities and their inhabitants by minimizing temperature variation, absorbing rainwater, reducing stormwater runoff and promoting biodiversity, all of which can improve the well-being of the cities inhabitants.


Posted on Wed, 2012-11-07 16:12 by matt
Mark Paul from The Greenwall Company wins The 2012 Melbourne Design Award for the tallest greenwall in Australia! Spanning 22 floors of the Origin Energy head office in Melbourne...

Latest NZ Research

Posted on Wed, 2012-09-12 21:39 by matt
Robyn Simcock has just sent through recent research from NZ. 1. Enhancing plant water supply without irrigation or deeper substrates. 2. Drivers of Living Roof water quality. Both docs have been posted in the Library

Barangaroo Central

Posted on Fri, 2012-08-24 18:38 by matt
An international search is on for a masterplanning team for Barangaroo’s 5.2 hectare central precinct. Barangaroo is a 22 hectare former container port on the western edge of Sydney’s downtown district. The Barangaroo Delivery Authority (BDA) is searching for the world’s best in urban planning, urban design and architecture professions. Add article summary here>

NYC Green Infrastructure Plan

Posted on Sun, 2012-07-08 17:50 by matt
This Green Infrastructure Plan presents an alternative approach to improving water quality that integrates ―green infrastructure,‖ such as swales and green roofs, with investments to optimize the existing system and to build targeted, smaller scale grey‖ or traditional infrastructure. This is a multi-pronged, modular, and adaptive approach to a complicated problem that will provide widespread, immediate benefits at a lower cost.

'Green Roofs' for Green Homes

The green roof of Parliament House from above Photo by Carl Davies
Posted on Sun, 2012-03-25 00:14 by admin
Energy could be saved by creating green roofs and walls covered with plant life such as grass, moss or creepers. Scientists have found green surfaces can reduce the need for air conditioning on hot days by causing local temperatures to drop. Research was carried out by Eleftheria Alexandri and Phil Jones at the Welsh School of Architecture in the UK. They used computer models to find out how temperatures can vary when buildings are covered in greenery.
