Green Roofs Australasia



Posted on Mon, 2020-02-17 17:50 by matt


MVRDV has revealed a renovation scheme for the Tripolis office complex in Amsterdam, originally designed by Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck. Entitled Tripolis Park, the proposal that will accommodate the offices of Uber, will also enlarge part of the existing space, add an office block and a new park.

Green Roofs for Positive Change

Posted on Mon, 2020-02-17 17:45 by matt

Australia Needs To Join The Green Revolution

Rooftops covered with grass, vegetable gardens and lush foliage are now a common sight in many cities around the world. More and more private companies and city authorities are investing in green roofs, drawn to their wide-ranging benefits which include savings on energy costs, mitigating the risk from floods, creating habitats for urban wildlife, tackling air pollution and urban heat and even producing food.

Bangkok+Roof Farm

Posted on Mon, 2020-02-17 17:40 by matt

Sea levels are rising around the world, but as they rise, Bangkok is sinking. The low-lying megacity, built on marshland, is also now so covered in concrete that during heavy rains—the type of storms that are becoming more common because of climate change—streets can quickly flood.

ISRAEL living walls

Posted on Thu, 2019-10-24 23:28 by matt

Sensor-controlled smart planters allow building owners to place hundreds of plants up and down a wall, indoors or outdoors - increasing tenancy & improving value.


Plants work their magic by transforming carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen via photosynthesis. Installing a Vertical Field living biofilter in your home or office can remove about 95 percent of the pollutants in a building, the company claims.

Climate change: won or lost in cities or by cities?

Posted on Mon, 2019-09-23 14:29 by matt

If climate change is down to cities, then it is the role of national governments to enable them to act: they need the policy and investment power.

A total of 983 jurisdictions stretching from Poland to the Philippines have now declared a climate emergency. However, a major question remains open in all cases: once declared, whose role it is to act?
