Green Roofs Australasia


Sustainable Prison_Sweden

Posted on Fri, 2019-04-05 15:39 by matt
Tabellen 4, a building in Sollentuna high-security remand prison in Stockholm, won the 2019 BREEAM Public Projects In-Use award for its range of eco-friendly initiatives including a 1,100 square meter green roof made of plants and turf, a ventilation system that recycles heat from the air, and a waste disposal room with storage for eight categories of waste. 


Posted on Fri, 2019-03-29 17:37 by matt

40 % of GHG emissions are from the built environment heating & cooling infrastructure. After all us humans need to be cosy in our cubes.IF building are the elephant in the room then why don't politicians take action on reviewing SEPP's , provide incentives & grants, mandate biosolar for new developments, provide greater FSR's for green roofs....etc and even review the BCA which is well due.

What is Green Infrastructure?

green infrastructure
Posted on Thu, 2019-03-28 15:08 by matt

What Is Green Infrastructure?

Green infrastructure, also sometimes referred to as GI, is an innovative approach to managing stormwater runoff. It utilizes natural processes, such as evapotranspiration and infiltration, to slow down stormwater to from overwhelming SW systems and polluting waterways.
